Charles ("Charlie") Cooper was born on
December 28, 1948 and passed away on Sunday, October 2, 2011 from complications due to lung cancer. Charlie was an avid photographer, and was featured in April 2011 in the Denver Post newspaper (below). Full of good humor, Charlie always put a wide smile on the faces of his family and friends, and made the special occasions in life even more so.
A lover of nature, especially the Rockies, he has left a photographic legacy for all to share, exhibiting his keen eye and deep passion to capture all the beauty and wonder of life, as his joyful spirit lives on.
We, his family, are proud to provide these photos for your enjoyment. If you would like to download them for your desktop or private use, we ask that you consider a donation to Charlie's favorite organization, the Sierra Club, here or to a cancer research charity of your choice. Thank you for visiting, and sharing in our memory of Charles Cooper.